Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jab we MET

8:45 and I was in the Creativity Room, waiting for the induction session to start. It was my first day in MET IMM and everybody was looking out for familiar faces. The induction session began by 9:30 with the welcome speeches by the dignitaries.
A seven-day-long induction session is okay, but Sunday Lectures - not at all okay! Super-cool teachers are okay, but a teacher coming in nightmares - not okay! Challenging projects are okay, but weird deadlines and ultra-weird work pressure - not okay! Recreation facilities are okay, but extreme vigilance - not okay!
But, poor we!! We can't crib about all this, because we know that there's only one answer o all these questions... "But, that’s what post-graduation course is all about dahling!"

So, though we are all naïve right now, trying to know each other, looking out for potential friends, and ultimately aiming for absolute success, we hope that we all will get a platform to explore our potentials, sharpen them up and make the most of being a part of the MET League!

As Mayura Mam says, for these 18 months we’ll be eating drinking, breathing Mass Media. Let the Mass Media run through our bloods!

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