Friday, May 14, 2010

Enough is enough!!!

Recently I have observed that a lot of bloggers in my blog-list have not uploaded any new posts since a year or so. And then I realised, "Hey! I am not any different too!"

How many times in a week do I upload a new post? It's not like I don't feel like writing, or there's nothing interesting (or uninteresting) that's happening in my life. But, I just don't take time out of my so-called busy schedule to open a Word Doc and key-down (originated from pen-down) my thoughts. I have so much to write about in my mind, but I give lame excuses to myself. Haa... so much for my love for writing!

Enough is enough! I won't let my 'thought-provoking thoughts' to wither on the vine. I am going to write, write, write... and still write more!

P.S: That doesn't mean you would get a post a day, but at least I'll see to it that I am not wasting some megabyes of cyber space with my good-for-nothing blog! :)

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