Monday, October 6, 2008

Twistori... A new twist to an old story

Guess what I found while surfing! It’s the most interesting thing I discovered today.

It’s Twistori – an innovation from the makers of Twitter, inspired by wefeelfine.

It finds Twitter feeds that include the following words: love, hate, think, believe, feel and wish.

You simply have to click on any of the above words on the left-hand side and watch text stream up. But, the right way to have fun reading these texts is by clicking rapidly on random words one after another.

You can see some brilliant creations taking place by combining two distinctly different thoughts together. Who knows, it might help you to prompt your imagination and come up with an amazing piece of writing!

Take a look at some random texts I found on Twistori. Read it as a whole paragraph. I am sure you’ll enjoy this.

I love to fight with my mom… yay!
I hate being a guest at someone’s house whilst ill.
I think I have pimples on my back.
I believe being silent this week will fix it.
I feel like garbage today.
I wish Mondays were Friday.

Isn't it interesting, guys?
Check out Twistori, play with words and let your creativity fly! :)

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