Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What a crappy start!

  1. I woke up at seven, but couldn’t reach office on time.
  2. Couldn’t find place to sit in the bus
  3. Somebody pulled my (huge) bag while getting off. Struggled hard to get it back.
  4. Some old man came forward, staring lecherously
  5. To save myself from that sudden attack I moved backward and THUD! A bike hit me on my hand.
  6. And to top it with a cherry, some roadside idiot passed some cheap comment while entering the office gate.

I guess I am cribbing unnecessarily. All this is just an everyday affair for any other girl.

Did somebody say “Good start of the year?”

Oh, lights went off for a moment!

6 Write your comment:

Nirvikalpa said...

7. No work at office
8. Damn the anti-smoking law
9. Why is he so far?
10. Can't drink at home

leopiya said...


thanks for reminding and making a round figure.

edson_dias said...

lets stop complaining. there's a coffee shop, 9 miles after the edge of the earth. join me there sometimes. see you. :-)

leopiya said...

in d morning i posted dis and puked out d frustration.
At evening, i came and found it funny!

after having a crappy day, today i woke up wid a new zeal n zest and look, i am having a gr8 day now! :)

edson_dias said...

ah. I see you are already in the coffee shop. :-)

leopiya said...
